I love drinking the milk out of the bottom of my humans' cereal bowls in the morning. No, the milk doesn't bother my tummy.
- When I use the litterbox, I like to dig and dig and dig and dig. So even though we have a high-sided, covered litterbox, litter tends to fly everywhere.
- I have a crush on Stella (but she has her special friend Peter Pan), Daisy (but she has Skeezix as her boyfriend) and Kaze (but she has Mao as her boyfriend).
- I love cuddling and being pet but I hate being picked up.
- When my dad is lying down in bed reading, I like to sit on his chest, between his face and his book, and have my face scratched.
I hate having my ears cleaned, but I put up with it because I know they need to be clean to keep me healthy and I get treats afterwards.
- When I groom myself, some of the oil that is on my skin gets transferred to my teeth and turns them brown.
- The oil on my skin when I've very dirty also gets transferred to everything I lie on - my sleeping bag, the bedding on my humans' bed, my humans' clothes, etc.
Bonus fact about Sphynx cats: Unlike other cats, we Sphynx cats have sweat glands all over our bodies.

Oh Dragonheart.....your are such a handsome boy cat. I think I have a crush on you. Oh this is Miss Peach here by the way, meowing at you.....see my eyelashes batting? Course you don't because I am a Devonrex and don't have any.
Love Miss Peach>(^,^)<
Dragonheart, you have the same speciality like Felicia: Sitting on Pa's chest, between his book and eyes, and with her face againts Papa's. Great you are;))
So instead of decorating your humans belongings with hairs you use oily spots lol !
BTW I have seen such a nice and funny expression for your cat race ! I saw an advertising here in our newspaper with a very cute picture : "2 nudists for sale" Isn't that a cute expression ? But the price was not bad either ! 1000 € per nudist ! DH you are a very precious cat !
I've been tagged by Gattina and I have yet to do it...you're much gooder than me, Drago.
Oh, Dragonheart, I am blushing and blushing! Heehee!
Just when I thought I knew everything about your breed, I find out new and interesting things. I don't really like having my ears cleaned, either. That is very funny about your teeth turning brown when you groom!
I always learn something new when I come here. I think you would have no troubles finding a girlkitty of your very own 'cause you are so handsome and sweet!
hey, ben2 gets between mama and whatever she's doing/reading/watching, too! mama stops trying to do whatever it was and just snuggles with ben. he's made for cuddles! just like you!
Great facts Dragonheart. Sometimes putting up with cleaning pays off! Lulu loves treats too.
Thank you, Dragonheart!!!
DH - Good AM from Florida!
I learned a great de3al about you today. You have a large heart, with 3 sweeties!
Punkin, my pretty princess, loves to snuggle up on my chest at night - or when she's stressed. She'll lay with me for a good 1/2 hour at a time. Then she'll get off and lay next to me.
The boys don't snuggle much. sigh...
Looking handsome, as usual! Have a great day! D :)
Sneaky aren't you? Using your tag ad a COT! LOL
Lovereading about you!
Dragonheart, you are the most interesting cat. I always learn such neat things from you. I like you (sigh)! Have a tranquil Tuesday.
Samantha and Tigger
What? A manly mancat like you doesn't have a sweet ladycat to call his own? That...that's not right! We need to host an episode of 'The Bachelor-Catstyle'!
Good Morning, Dragonheart! I miss playing with you! When Pan goes home, because he IS going home, will you teleport over for a tent war! Purrs, Stella
Great things to know about you. I too share my milk with my kitties from the leftover bowl. IT doesn't seem to hurt them, but it is skim.
And my boy will not let me pick him up though I beg and plead.
We wish we had a sphinx kitty living here. we would help him keep clean <3
Caesar digs and lets the litter fly too. It is a sight to behold!
Dragonheart- you is so handsome. does you haf to get your teefs brushed?
That is so cool you can sweat!! Neat! I've always had a crush on you too Dragonheart, I'm glad we're good friends.
Cereal bowls....mmmmmm.....
I scratch and scratch and scratch in our high sided litterboxes, too. I gotta have everything just right before I get down to business, you know? ;)
Thanks for the advice on the harness. Mom's going to try it, but she thinks I'd like a stroller better.
Wonderful random things about you!
Congratulations, you got 100% on the PoP Kwiz!
Wow, Miss Peach is a good lady kitty. It seems you have a fan.
Great groom technique yesterday, we watched it but mommy was at her retail work so we didn't get to comment a lot on blogs. Concatulations to your mommy on her marathon. That is great!
Dragonheart, I'm sure all those girls will be flattered that you have a crush on them!
Oh Dragonheart, I bet Stella wood be yoor gerlfrendcat. This Peter Pan guy is only there for a little while to stop da urjes. A good looking guy like yoo cood prolly haf a harem! We just love learning stuff about yoo. Do dey brush yoor teeth too? Mom duz it to us but we don't like it and fight with her.
You forgot to say that you're Gorgeous. Well at least me and the humans think you are. fAZ
Very interesting list. It's Tuesday--Aloysius' day to simply be a cat, so he let me post something about him.
Dragonheart, I left a comment earlier this morning and it has gotten lost in cyberspace! Anyway, you have great taste in Ladycats! I also like to lay between my bean's neck and book! It's great to sit next to your bean to be pet but I agree, I don't really liked being picked up either! This is a great list!
How nice for you that milk doesn't upset your tummy! None of my kitties can tolerate it but they all love it.
White Kitty (an Oriental Shorthair) who has your muscular physique - plus fur of course - hates being picked up too. At least you have lots of opportunities for scratchies though!
I like number two the best. No pun intended!!
It is very sweet of you to admit having a crush on the ladies. Way to go!
Dragonheart, these are interesting facts about you. You are a gorgeous cat. It is always interesting to read your blog :-)
Anela was never tagged! Interesting facts!
Awww, how nice to learn more about you, Dragonheart! And *smiling* at your crushes. They are all beautiful girlcats! And hmmm, Miss Peach seems to be purring quite loudly in your direction!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
hehehe, Dragonheart! You and me both like diggin', diggin', diggin' in our boxes. I throw out so much litter that Momma calls it "Mao's Gobi Desert!"
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Dragonheart! Sweat glands all over your body! That must help you stay cooler in brutally hot weather. Well, I hope it does. I need an air conditioner for those very rare occasions it gets that hot here because my long hair cat suffers so much. See you next week!
uh, oh.
I tagged you, too (justonesheep.blogspot)
umm... Now what?
OMG! So cute his pics,very handsome!(Luna´s Mom)
Great things to know about you.I don´t like the milk eww!
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I love that you always tell us such interesting facts about Sphynx. We didn't know anything about them until you started teaching us. Thanks for the education, uhh... we don't have to pay for this like our bean did for her education, do we? She's been paying a really long time and we don't get an allowance or anything...
Oh, you look so cute cleaning yourself on that kitty blanket. We think that you are adorable!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Dragonheart, we loved reading your random things. We especially loved your crushes. It's hard for us single, newly (or nearly) mancat guys isn't it? We must stick together!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
(ps. mommy wants to know how your mommy and daddy clean up the litter that you dig and dig and gets outside the box? She struggles with this on a daily (and sometimes multi-daily) basis and is always looking for some good tips. Currently, she is using a Dust Buster Kone thingie. It works pretty well but she thinks there's gotta be a better way...)
Hmmm I don't know what is worse brown oil stains or fur all over the house.
Either way both kids of kitties are so sweet.
I love the Expression that DH has!
Now we definitely didn't know that you guys had sweat glands everywhere!!! Regular hairy poodins can only sweat through their paws. Very inchresting.....
Luf, Us
ah ha dragonheart! u finallee reveeled yer secret crushez! i knew it!
u hav sum good taste!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
my cat loved drinking the milk out of my cereal bowl when I was done too. But if i poured her her own milk she wouldn't drink it.
Oh, Dragonheart, we suspected that you liked Daisy and Kaze, but we didn't know about Stella. It doesn't sound like Peter Pan will be in her life too much longer, so you may have a chance with her. She might need a handsome gentlemancat in the near future if what we suspect will happen does happen. Good luck to you.
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