Intently watching the prey



Mine all mine!

The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
That is a wonderful toy ! I have never seen this in Brussels ! I think my cats would love it too and keeps them away from real birds ! Although they never had catched one only mice.
PS Photobucket is nice but people can't make the pictures bigger, how did you do that ?
I like that toy too!! can I borrow from you sometimes? Dragonheart.
Dear brother.....Can you come over for a bit and see me? Just
one more day until your birthday!!!
You must be very excited by now...
You are very good at catching~!
I like to see that~!
Tomorrow is your birthday, I look forward to see your expression~!
You are such a good play-er Dragonheart! I like when you stand on your back feets.
I need one of those! Maybe next month after the move.
Those are marvelous toys. Except for us. We had one and my outdoor hunting cats just went bonkers and destroyed it in five minutes. Totally tore it apart. Wish they would play nice because I need something besides catnip to keep them busy in the winter.
What a fun toy!! You do catch well! and your birthday is tomorrow??!!
Happy Birthday DH!! What a wonderful day for you! I hope you get toys, treats and lots of sunbeams!
D :)
Oh my oghs we are so excited!!!! tomorrow is your birthday!
I am dizzy with excitement Dragonheart.
I love these pictures of you in action. It brings back loads of memories and that makes me happy too!
Wow, that looks like fun! And you are so athletic. It's a good thing you keep in such good shape, since you're not getting any younger (ha ha :) just joking with ya!)
Your buddy, JJ
oh my...dragonheart! you are a master at whirlybird!
i'm still a little afraid of mine. i hope the baby enjoys it. she comes home today!
i'll be there for your birthday...i'm so excited.
ben fuzbunicus
We love our Whirly-bird also.
I just got one of those and you're right, it is really cool! (Even BabyBean will sit down and play with me.) It's my favorite toy.
One day and you're a mancat, how excitin'!
Those whirlybirds are one of the best toys I think...maybe I should get Baby one. She still hasn't made a toy her own yet.
Fun pictures Dragonheart! You look like you are having a blast.
I was gonna say good morning but it's afternoon there now! Your a furry good hunter Dragonheart and tomorrow you will be a full fledged mancat....
Cool toy, Dragonheart, looks like a lot of fun and you sure seem to be enjoying it! Happy almost Birthday!! One more day!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Whirly birds are the best! You are a great hunter!
I LOVE the Whirly Bird too. Yesterday I killed the birdie so I got to take it and play with it not attached to the stick. That was fun.
Wonderful toy! And how nice to see that Dragonheart loves it!
Your birthday is tomorrow! So happy birthday DH!
Very good job attacking that whirlybird, Dragonheart.
I like to chew the rubber fingy on the end of the whirly bird toy. I's not real into leapin after toys. Yur furry good at that! Bonnie used to leap an twist in the air an would haf LOVED the whirly bird, but now she's retired frum that kinda play.
that looks like lots of fun!!!
Hello Dragonheart,
Happy happy birthday to you. We know, we are too early but forces beyond our control will keep us away from the net for the next 30 hours or so.... because we will attend your party in Paris!!!!
You can see your presents at our blog, if you email us at
thecatrealm at gmail.com we can send you the html code for the button and if you email us your snail mail address we will send you the toy!
Welcoe to the world of mancats!
Karl and Anastasia
Must. Get. Feathers.
Oh I think that is a really great toy! I have only seen something like that here.
Thanks for the link!
I bookmarked it.
Happy 1st Birthday tomorrow Dragonheart! You look like you are having a blast with your new toy!
Thank you for the link to the Whirlybird toy. We are going to make sure Momma sees this because our birthday is coming up soon.
You look like you are having a great time!
Thanks for the pictures and link to buy the Whirly-Bird! I am going to ask my mammacat for one as soon as she gets home, because I am not allowed to play on the keyboard with her credit card numbers (anymore).
Anela is not a cat toy cat even though we've bought her so many through the years. She prefers to chase geckos.
We lufs lufs lufs our whirlybird!!!
Glad to see you like it too!
Luf, Us
Dear Dragonheart,
We knows your purrfday isn't til to-morr-ow but we's not gonna be able to bloggie then, so we wants to say it now, HAPPY PURRFDAY! We hopes you have lotsa fun!
Hey Dragonheart!
You have a great Tummy there, and looks like you are having a lot of fun.
We had a Whirlybird, but Sara ate it! Can you believe that little bitty Kitty-Cat ate our Whirlybird?
hehe that is agreat toy and you look like quite the hunter! xx
fun fun fun! I can't wait until your birthday tomorrow! i saw at kellie's that you don't have any AC?? that is crazy? how do your beans keep you cool? how do they keep themselves cool? i am totally stunned over this.
Great toy !!! I think you have a lot of fun there.
Looks like a lot of fun there Dragonheart.
Whirly, whirly, whirly! Whirly, whirly, whirly.
You are so very athletic, Dragonheart! And that Whirlybird looks like so much fun.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
That whirlybirdie looks like lotsa fun, and I bet you're gettin' real real real ecksited about yur purrthday, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh, DH, you are a great predator. We will ask our mom to look into that toy. Happy birthday tomorrow!
Those Whirlybirds are way fun - I love mine, too!
Let me say Happy Birthday now although I will undoubtedly be back to say it again!
Nice new look for the blog DH & Mom!!! What a great toy that whirlybird is! It will keep you nice & toned in the muscle and reflex department too!
You really know how to werk dat whirlybird. I finks owr beans are a little behind in getting us da best toys. Hmmmm. Schmaybe you could put in a good werd fur us.
Whirlybird looks so pawesome, can I come and play???
I'm so sorry you have to suffer thru da heat wave, it was horrible here. With A/C it has been nicer tho.
I am really impressed that you caught it! Mommy makes it so darned hard with da feather toy!
We jus GOTTA get us one of those!
I think your adorable playing with your whirlybird.
O, fun feathers! Whoopie!
happee birfday to u! (i think it'z july 18th in germany now!)
i hope yer havin a grate time!
Excellent job Dragonheart.
We would certainly love a fun toy like that! You were quite the hunter of the Whirly Bird - very impressive, indeed.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
The Whirlybird is awesome. We love ours too! You are an excellent hunter!
Happy Birrrthday Dragonheart! I have a prrresent forrr you on my bloggie--and a surrrprrrise. I have accepted an invitation for a "date" to yourrr Paris parrrtay hosted by Miss Peach. If you want to know who it is read the clues I left...
Yourrr Furrrend,
From your Canadian furriends,
Donny Marie and Casey
PS. May all your bday wishes come true!
From all of us to all of you -- happy 1st birthday and many more!
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