Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: First Birthday Gifts!

Thursday ThirteenYesterday was my first birthday! I received a lot of wonderful gifts, and many wonderful greetings from my friends all over the world.

# 27 - 13 gifts that I received for my First Birthday

1. A new blog design!

2. A water fountain
water fountain
3. A long rustle tunnel with cool side tunnels
rustle tunnel
4. Yummy cat milk
cat milk
5. & 6. Catnip feather ball and loop
Catnip feather ball and loop
7. A catnip bear that makes a rattling sound
catnip bear
8. A replacement fleece & feather wand toy (I've already destroyed two)
fleece and feather wand toy
9. A Cozy Calming Mat, that has a buckwheat insert in the middle that can be removed and microwaved for warmth (or as the Peach Man called it, a crazy-colour keep you warm thingie!)
Cozy Calming Mat
10. & 11. Chilly kitty chews (these would have been more useful 8 months ago, when I was teething, but they are still colourful and fun to play with)
Chilly kitty chews
12. "Egypt" fish and feather wand toy
fish and feather wand toy
13. Feline Greenies Ocean Fish Flavour treats
Feline Greenies
And, of course, I also received lots of cuddles, love and attention from my humans, especially when we played with my new toys.

Thanks again to all my friends for making my first birthday a very special one!


Anonymous said...

Cool gifts! Belated happy birthday dragonheart :)

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dragonheart, you made out like a cat burglar! Happy Birthday! Someone must love you lots and lots to give you such nice presents. It is no wonder--not every cat is so talented and can even type!

Gattina said...

You got a lot of presents ! I love your new blog design it's very chic !

Monica said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart. I'm sorry that Phoebe and I missed the party. Tracy was busy coming in and out of the house and not at the computer to secretary for us today.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAGONHEART! Such lovely presents you have there.

Dorothy said...

I liked your list of presents. I'm glad you had a good first birthday.
Happy TT

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Great Thirteen gifts!!!!!!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Well, you had a wonderful time, Dragonheart. Good for you, I'm glad you enjoyed all your exciting presents. It's nice to be a spoilt puss cat.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, Dragonheart, you got some really great gifts! How does it feel to be a mancat? I haffun't been a mancat fur furry long, and I'm still gettin' used to it, myself! hehehe

I'm glad you had such a great and speshul burrfday.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted you had such a great First Birthday -- that's a very special birthday in the life of a Mancat. It looks like you got many lovely gifts, and your blog design is beautiful!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Around Your Wrist said...

happy happy birthday! it looks like you had a great birthday with lots and lots of swag!

ben fuzz

Daisy said...

You got some very fabulous gifts, Dragonheart! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. How do you like your fountain? We have one too. You can get an extra reservoir to hook on the back so you don't have to keep refilling it as often, if you don't already have it. We wished we had gotten the reservoir a lot sooner!

Ramses said...

Happy 1st Birthday! I hope you have a great one and that you get lots of cool toys to play with and tasty food to eat! :)

Parker said...

That's the best haul of gifts ever! I am glad you had a great 1st birthday!
I like your new design - very cool!

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh the toys that have to be replaced, they are the best. We love the warm your thingy coloured matt thing thing. So very cool, but we need one to make us cold. It's way too hot in alabama this summer.

Purrs and Squishy Loves

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart you really raked in the goods this Birthday. You got a lot of great toys, and we love the tunnel.
Yesterday was a lovely day for you and your beans <3

Your new bloggie page looks very nice.

We hope you have a wonderful day being one year and one day old!

Love and purrrs

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow Dragonheart, yoo made out good on yoor purrthday! We really like yoor new bloggie design, one of these days we'z gonna get our mom to sit down and read da directions fur making our blog look better. We'z gonna do yoor scavenger hunt! Mom laffed cuz of what she sent yoo being da first thing she thawt of...weerd huh.

Jimmy Joe said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY; DRAGONHEART! I feel like a real doofus because I forgot to leave you a birthday message earlier. You got some great presents. I wrote you something for your birthday on my blog--check it out!
Your buddy, JJ

Forty Paws said...

We like the new blog look DH!

Wonderful prezzies! Are you spoiled?

Luf, Us

Christine and FAZ said...

What wonderful presents and well deserved birthday boy. FAZ

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! those are great gifts! Your beans certainly treat you right. I'm very happy you had such a great birthday and we could share it with you.

Anonymous said...

You certainly gotted sum luffly presents, Dragonheart - you is furry lucky! Yu know, come to fink of it, Muffin and I are three years old and we nefur gotted any birfday presents at all! Ebbie is nearly eight years old and she says she nefur gotted anyfing efur. Maybe I need to haf a bit of a talk wif Meowmie about dis!


Suprina said...

Oh my cat loves his #12!

Great TT!

Monty Q. Kat said...

What cool presents! Pawsome T13!

How did your first day as a Manly mancat go?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow nice gifts honey! you really scored big time! and the blog looks furry lovely too...

smiles, auntie bee

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, those are some great gifts!!

so, how does it feel to be a mancat now?

Anonymous said...

We're really happy that you like all your presents. You got some really cool stuff! And you're 1!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday Dragonheart! You got some really cool stuff!

Anonymous said...

Fun list, happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

What great gifts! I'm so impressed!

Anonymous said...

You made out for your birthday, Dragonheart!!! I am very glad your day was extra special!!!

Lux said...

I *do love your new blog design - are you still playing with your new toys or are you all tuckered out today?

The Furry Kids said...

You got lots of cool stuff. Your new blog design looks great!

Earl Grey

sammawow said...

Wow, you got some really great gifts! We like your new blog design too!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow



You had a GREAT purrday and got some magnificient presents. You'll get lots of playtime out of all of those wonderful gifts and enjoy all of those yummy treats. I will be anxious to hear how you like your water fountain.


Cinnamon Girl said...

Happy B Day and TT!

Aloysius said...

You sure got a lot of wonderful gifts! Your humans must love you very much.

Faerylandmom said...

A blog by a cat! That's a new one! Grats on being the featured 13-er today!

I enjoyed your list, and the pictures!

Lazy Daisy said...

Happy Belated Birthday...congrats on being the features site. What nice gifts you received.

JAM said...

This is a great list of goodies Dragonheart. You made out like a bandit! I'll bet you can't wait until Christmas now.

Jeremy Lowe said...

When does the fur coat come? Just kidding.....

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Cool gifts, indeed! Just don't be like Cooper the Devon Rex and confuse them for real prey... they may be fun to send down the hatch, but it's not fun to make you give them back before they can hurt your insides. :(

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Spoiled kitty! My boys just get a packet of their favorite toy, which promptly disappear under the couch/stove/refrigerator...

MsSnarkyPants said...

Awww Happy Birthday!!! You're a cutie! Your tunnel looks exceptionally fun!

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow, such a lot of great stuff you got your for your Birthday, Dragonheart. You deserved it all! Congratulations for being a Featured T13 on the Thursday 13 Site!!! Tuxies Rule!!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

Tink said...

Happy belated birthday! You've gotten some great presents. I love the new blog design!
My TT is about full moon names. Congrats for being the featured blog this week!

Karen said...

wow you got some real cool stuff.

Mitchypoo said...

Happy Birthday Dear Dragonheart!! Enjoy all your goodies!!

We got a new kitty, come see...

Lori said...

Cool sound spoiled! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart this is such a wonderful post. I'm so sorry I missed your birthday yesterday, and I hope you had a wonderful time. I sure sounds like you did. Those are some great gifts you got. I'm going to have to design and make one of those comfy cushion thingies you have and give it to Shadow on a cold winters night. He is just over 16 years old now and that's pretty old for a kitty cat.

I send you a nice big hug and belly rub for your birthday... and Reba sends good wishes too. We both love your new blog design.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I couldn't get Mr. Linky to work (and now my fingers don't want to work on the keys properly either... hhmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Happy One Day Late Birthday Dragonheart! Looks like you were spoiled on your big day. Love the funky colored pillow thingy. And love the looks of your new design.

Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

Hey Dragonheart, you shared a birthday my hubby! I think you got better gifts though. Although I did take him to the movies to see Harry Potter and that was pretty good ;)

TopChamp said...

ooh wow that's a lot of pressies. Happy Birthday Dragonheart!

Heart of Rachel said...

I think it's great that you and my son have the same birthday. How nice that you were showered with so many lovely gifts. My son also received lots of fabulous gifts and I will post about them soon. Take care! Belated Happy Birthday again.

Shawna said...

Whoa, Dragonheart you have really grown, and you racked up on gifts!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I love the kitty and your site too. CouponAlbum site is yet my another favorite site.