Saturday, September 01, 2007

Photo Hunters: Dirty

About | Theme: Dirty | Blogroll


In most of my photos, I usually look nice and clean. However, that is due to the fact that I get weekly baths. I groom myself just like other cats do, but my tongue can't keep up with the oil my skin secretes. Since I have no fur for the oil to distribute itself through, the oil builds up on my skin.

In the two photos below, I am very dirty and in need of my weekly bath. If you click on the photos to make them larger, you will really be able to see what I mean. The oil and dirt are especially noticeable on the pink areas of my skin.

In this first photo, you can see the oil on my neck and chest. You can also see some of the oil on my belly.

Dirty Dragonheart
In the next photo, you can really see the oil on my belly! If you click to make it larger, you will also be able to see the oil in the wrinkles on the side of my face. The oil really accumulates in all of my wrinkles, so my humans have to very carefully and thoroughly wash wherever I have wrinkles.

Dirty Dragonheart
In the second photo, too, if you look closely at the larger version, you might notice some brown on the fleece blanket I'm sleeping on. That brown is oil that has rubbed off of my skin. Don't worry, both the blanket and I were washed not long after these photos were taken.


Anonymous said...

You are still very cute Dragonheart even before your bath. We bet that you feel better after your bath. We do not like baths.

sammawow said...

We have to agree that even before bathing you are adorable! We always learn something when we visit you. And we're really glad that our Lady won't bathe us - hehe!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Tyler said...

That's interesting Dragonheart. You must dry off a lot quicker than I would, if I were to take a bath.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Does your skin get itchy if it doesn't get washed?
We think you are handsome clean or dirty!!

MaoMao said...

You look handsum and regal whether before a bath or aftur! And I really enjoy learnin' about yur breed. I'm really glad that you don't mind yur baths.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Gee, Dragonheart, if that's what you call dirty...

But really, I understand your feeling that way, because a cat is cleaner than other creatures. It's just another reason we cats are so terrific...

Parker said...

Clean or not, I think you're tops!

Anonymous said...

How fascinating -- I just love learning about you and your breed! You are a wonderful and unique kitty, and very handsome whether before or after a bath!

And I'm really glad you don't mind your baths too much -- you have a wonderful loving mom and dad.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Anonymous said...

I was somewhat relieved to avoid doing the "dirty" theme for photohunters as that's a hard one. You've done an excellent educational job Dragonheart--as usual!

Carver said...

Great shots. I love the way you can see the folds in the skin on the enlargement. Clean or dirty Dragonheart is a beauty.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, even when you are "dirty", you look clean!

We hafta admit, baths wouldn't be so bad if it wasnt for all the wet fur. We almost never hafta take baths, but it sure would be easier when we do if we dint hafta get all our fur back in place.

Skeeter and LC

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow Dragonheart, great "Dirty" picture. We are glad you like your baths. Your pictures are very cute. Have a nice Saturday!
Your FL furiends,

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Does it feel good to have a bath and get rid of the excess oil? It must be easy to get dry after with no fur. Clean or dirty, you're always cute.

The Furry Fighter said...

wow, i wasn;t aware that happened to you baldy cats! you are high maintenance but incredibly beautiful...are you quite sure you ain't a meezer in disguise? :)

i've got a tummy like yours today dragonheart...bald is indeed beautiful. meowmie managed to take a picture of part of my tummy today when i was washing the surgical spirit from it! it's on my blog


Ellen Whyte said...

What a lazy cat you are Dragonheart to wait for servants to come and clean you up!

Anonymous said...

That was an interesting lesson! But cats are always cute, dirty or not, and so are you! :)

Ingrid said...

There is nothing to do, you still look very clean to me !

BTW Rosie learned to jump now and is a flying cat ! Everything what is in height she has to discover.

PastormacsAnn said...

So, do you like getting a weekly bath, Dragonheart?

Great picks for The Hunt.

Lau Niang said...'re hairless....and you're a cat? I've never seen a hairless cat before. How very peculiar...but you sure is adorable ;p

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think you are really cute, even you are dirty.

Thank you for let us know the reason that you need weekly bath. Now I totally understand.

Miz said...

I see we were of like mind in our Photo Hunt this week Dragonheart!

Amazing Gracie said...

Well, well. I learned something new about cats! Thanks, Dragonheart, for the lesson. I think you are adorable, clean or not so clean. I would never call you "dirty!"

Daisy said...

Hahahahaha! Oily belly, oily belly! You look cute even when you are a little bit grubby.

Arlene said...

hahaha..very cute! oiled belly, good one!

jams o donnell said...

But you are still an utter cutie! Happy weekend. This week I have all four of my masters on show for photo hunt. None is happy at the prospect of de-fleaing!

Lynn said...

Maybe your humans can find a skin cleanser for you for oil control. What do you say huh? :D

Pumpkin said...

I think you are still adorable even if you needed a bath. :)

Anonymous said...

It's OK if you're dirty because you're CUTE!!! (= heheee

Thanks for dropping by. May you have a great day ahead.

ipanema said...

good of your owner to take really good care of you. lovely photos! :)

Anonymous said...

wow it's my very time to see a hairless cat and look at the folds of skin..about my poor cat, it was gone this morning, maybe someone got it..

Kucing Mafia said...

nice naked photo ..... (old dirty minded)

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you teach me something every time I am here. I love how you're all curled up in the last photo. You didn't look all that dirty to me. Maybe ya could just skip the bath this week. ;)

Have a wonderful long holiday weekend. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my "dirty" photo this week.

JC said...

Hey DH... nice pics!

Susan Demeter said...

Clean or dirty you rawk!!!! Great pics ... :)

Chen said...

u r still cute and attractive even before u take your bath. I bath my doggy once or twice a week too. And.. he hates bathing ;)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Clean or not yoor furry cute. Sadie sed yoo haf a nice butt, she's a dirty

SabineM said...

Wow I had never thought about the oil on a hairless.
Great choice for this week!

Anonymous said...

That is very interesting--I didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Dragonheart, you are so handsome! This is my first visit to your site, so I must look around for a little bit to find more photos!

My Photo Hunt photo is up... tell your Mom to come visit! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I imagine that it feels really good to get all clean again!

Unknown said...

oh yes oil, that does get very dirty, and I'm glad you wash and keep yourself clean..

But the pics are just too adorable! :)

thanks for visiting.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Happy Day Dragonheart.
Busy day here... just sneaking in a hello from Caesar and me


Anonymous said...

Yes, it really shows. I had no idea that this oil occurs like that. interesting. Good thing you have someone giving you nice baths. You must experience the same as I do with my hair nowadays when I've lost most of it: I'm getting dry a lot faster!

Ladynred said...

That's very interesting to know. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

aww--you are such a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are dirty but still cute! :-)

Happy Weekend.

Jimmy Joe said...

That is very interesting, Dragonheart. My momma does have hair but she still gots the oily skin. I like that second picture especially, where we can really see how athletic you are!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

CRIZ LAI said...

You are always cute no matter how dirty you are. Love ya Dragonheart :)

A. said...

Never, never dirty. Just not quite as clean as usual! And beautiful anyway.

MaR said...

You are a very special, that's why you need so much care!
happy weekend :)

TorAa said...

NO-No No
Have not ever associated you, Dragonheart with the word: Dirt.

Do you have a secret?


from Rosa and Felicia

maiylah said...

I wouldn't have noticed! Bet you felt great after that bath! :)

happy weekend!

Jonzz said...

Such a nice photo.

Anonymous said...

Yep, you need a bath! You are still a cutie though. Have a great long weekend.

Unknown said...

I wonder how well you like those baths.

Anonymous said...

dragonheart you look lovely even when dirty.
Sara from farmingfriends

Thriftin' Gal @ Junk In My Trunk said...

Oh but you are still a cutie even if you need a bath!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

We all get pretty oily when we need a bath! ;-) Great photos.
Photo Hunters

jmb said...

Dragonheart, my dear, you are worth every bit of that trouble to keep you from being dirty.

Teena in Toronto said...

What a dirty boy you are!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Dottie said...

Great photo for the theme! I know little about cats and even less about this particular breed. Thanks for the knowledge bits.

Myrna said...

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

That's very interesting! Great photos.

YTSL said...

Agree with Kelly Cat's comments of " Gee, Dragonheart, if that's what you call dirty..." But it's all relative, isn't it? ;b

Cheryl said...

Wow, I had to scroll past a lot of comment to find the comment link! You know, my dog licks herself like a cat...she's such a "lady"...your post made me think of that.

chepot said...

you are still very cute dragonheart even before your weekly bath :)

Heart of Rachel said...

I'm sure you love being groomed by your parents. It's a nice bonding time with them.

Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Bath or no still look beautiful.

theblogger said...

Dragonheart looks more clean than being dirty. :)

Anonymous said...

You are so cute Dragonheart, even dirty! nd I imagine how fresh you will after a good bath!

Carlota said...

such a cute picture. must be so easy to take care of Dragonheart.

Connie Barris said...

awwwwwwwwww what a cutie....
even when your clean or dirty

Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures! Thanks for visiting my page!

Anonymous said...

Even dirty, you are still beautiful Dragonheart!

(Sorry about all the "Moms" in Mr. Linky, I don't know what went wrong!)

Heather said...

Awww, I'm sure you don't enjoy those baths too much but I bet it keeps you nice and clean!

Suzy said...

I'm having a hard time seeing any dirt!I thought that cats didn't like baths?...thanks for stoppin' by my blog!

Anonymous said...

You and my husband have something in common. He has no hair on his head, so his pillow gets quite oily. He even washes his head every day, but it doesn't help much by nighttime!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Even dirty you are still cute ;)

Anonymous said...

You certainly don't look dirty to me, ;)

have a great week!

Patricia said...

That is very interesting. It is good that you are willing to be bathed. I do believe our cats would rather do just about anything rather than get a bath. Thanks for stopping by to comment on the dirty boys at Pollywog Creek. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting "dirty" pictures! Still cute, even when dirty.

Anonymous said...

your photos continue to amaze me -- thanks for stopping by my photohunt dirty photos this week too.

Stacie said...

What a beautiful cat!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We love learning about you and your breed, Dragonheart! So, does that mean that we hairy kitties have that oil but the hair catches it? You look adorable even with your extra dirt!
Mr. Chen & Ollie