We're going to try some new food to see if that helps out with my soft, stinky poohs. I do like the new food - it is yummy! I have a bit of a sensitive tummy, so they hoped I would tolerate the new food, and I do! They are mixing it in with my old food right now, but so far, so good.
Otherwise, I am now behaving normally, and playing just as much as usual, so it looks like I've recovered. Unfortunately, that means I'll have to go in to have my teeth cleaned in a couple of weeks.
For Frootbat Friday, I wanted to share this scrapbook layout my mom made for me. To see it at it's best, click on it to view the larger version.

Finally, here is a screenshot of our desktop on the computer. My mom likes to save things in the "My Documents" folder, whereas my dad likes to save things to the desktop, so that's why there are some documents and images saved there. More bloggers tagged me for this meme than I can list! Thank you all for the tag! In return, I tag anyone who hasn't already shown us their desktop, but wants too!
You are a very handsome desktop subject Dragonheart! You always look so cool when you are on your gizzy quilt:)
I am so very relieved that you are doing so much better too.
Love Peachy
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs for you, Dragonheart,
That is a wonderul excellent great news for me and for everyone~!!! I am so happy for you are better and the result is good, that is a good sign, having a sensitive tummy is no so bad you know, you could know much better than other kittens how to care take your self~!! Congratulations for your good news again~!
And certainly, great great desktop ~! This is the most greatest part of you, enjoy the sunshine, just like you feel the great warm bright from the sky and light~! I also like your desktop very very much~!
Have a nice weekend~!
Sincerely yours,
Adan & michico
That's a lovely desktop! You look very hedonistic!
I'm so glad you're feeling better!
PS. Thank you for coming and leaving us a nice message when Whisper had to go to the Bridge
Oh that's such a nice desktop shot! :) But Isis says you look even better in the scrapbook one, and I have to agree with her it's very cool and you do look purrfect! :)
That's a great photo of you! I am very happy that your test results came back good and you are back to your normal self, except for your stinky poo. But I guess that's only a problem for your mom and dad, anyway!
What better for a desktop than you?
Great desktop picture. Momma also has ME on it. Of course, what else would our Momma's have?
I am so happy that everything went well at the VET! Great news.
That's good news so you are OK again and can play around as usual ! The desktop picture is very nice I had to do it too and of course I also have my cats on it ! Rosie is 5 months old today look how big she has become !
Your scrapbook pic is really nice and you can even play with the buttons.You look so blissful on your desktop.Must be the sunshine. Glad things went well at the Vet!
Oooo, I like yur scrapbook an' 'specially yur desktop. I want my pichur on our desktop now too.
I'm so glad to hear that your tests came back fine. What a relief!
Momma loves that desktop picture of you. You look so cute!
We biggefied both pictures. You are very handsome and your mommies desk top is very neat and tidy.
We are thrilled to know that there has been superb improvement in your annoying littlerbox situation.
Happy Snappy Week-end to you and your beans!!
purrs, Prinnie and Caesar
I keep telling the LL that all of the cool cats are on their parent's desktops. Sheesh, you'd think she would oblige. Anyway, I'm very happy to hear all is normal and you're liking your new food. Have a great weekend!
we is SOOOOOO furry happy that you is ok!!!! YAY!!!!
mommy says that you is just so handsome!
I sure am glad to hear that you are all okay, Big D. Like I wrote before, Coco has a sensitive tummy too and has to have her anal sacs drained sometimes. You are a real gentleman not to cry to hurt anybody. Momma says Coco is a Drama Queen. I like that picture of you on the desktop a lot! You are very inspirational.
your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Yore mommy is much smarter than our mommy to put yore pikshur on the desktop instead of those men from those movies. Yoo are much more handsum!
You are the star of your mom and dad's desktop Dragonheart! We love the picture of you looking proud and mancatly with a smile on your precious face.
I am happy that you finally got better!!
And you have a very nice pic on your desktop!
Glad you're feeling better.
And nice desktop. We have feline desktops on our various computers, too (haven't participated in the meme yet, though).
We are so glad that you are feeling so much better now! We were sending you purrs, of course! And you are looking exceptionally good in both your pictures today.
We both posted pictures of the lovely toy you sent us from your contest. We both love Curly Lamb!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Ooo, we love dat piksher of yoo, so handsome! We'z glad yoor tests came out good...sorry bout the teefs cleening tho.
We like both pictures of you Dragonheart but particularly the scrapbook picture.
The pictures are both lovely dear Dragonheart - and I'm glad your test results came back good and that you're feeling a lot better:) xxx
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