Friday, October 05, 2007

Photo Hunters: Curvy



As a cat, I'm very flexible, and can arrange by body in all kinds of curvy positions. Here are some examples!

Dragonheart(Click any photo to view a larger image)


Anonymous said...

WOW! Really cool shots and curvy indeed:D
Mines up too!

Anonymous said...

What a great response to the prompt - so curvy and so cute! And I love, love, love the patterns of wrinkles in the last two shots. What a cool cat.

Anonymous said...

that's really curvy. and i really enjoyed your pictures ! i know cats tend to sleep like that but i love the way you took the photo :P

MaR said...

That's a true curve! to think that it's a comfortable position...
Happy hunting, Dragonheart! glad you are doing well!

CRIZ LAI said...

Gosh...You sure know how to bend your body to such a beautiful curvy position **clap clap** :)

Rosell said...

Beautiful feline!! she looks soo content and safe. hope you can visit mine!

Anonymous said...

Curvy cats? i nvr thought of that idea... i'll try to make my dog curvy as well... lol

Carver said...

Dragonheart you are indeed able to get into some very curvy positions and are photogenic as well. Great idea.

TorAa said...

Dragonheart- you should have been teached that "Curvy" is very adoptabel to the female body - not you - even though you are of course adorable - but I ponder if your "parents" sometimes are running off their minds. miewhaha

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful curvy creature you are. These look like your cat yoga moves!!! sara from farmingfriends

Karen Jo said...

You are very curvy and adorable, Dragonheart.

Rach said...

very curvy positions! happy weekend :-)

Anonymous said...

excellent, you are very curvy!!

The Cat Realm said...

Glad to hear you are o.k.!!!
And very flexible....
Would you be willing to be part of the panel of judges who chooses best noms costume (cat as a dog, oat as a cat, etc.) in Skeezix Halloween contest?
You can email me
thecatrealm at gmail dot com
Let me know, thanks

SabineM said...

So comfortable and so curvy!
Lovely photos!
I always wish I were a cat!

Anonymous said...

wonderful curves this weekend! :D

Anonymous said...

Ya got some great curvy moves there!!

Happy Weekend.

Liz Hinds said...

Okay, dragonheart, you win! You are officially the curviest participant!

jams o donnell said...

now you are truly curvy. Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

You are so very flexible,... if I did that,.. I probably would be in a body cast, Great photos as usual, and have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures but my favourite is the second to last - looks like one of those snakes that swallowed its tail:)

Cynthia said...

Curvy and cozy! Good for you!

Corey~living and loving said...

Cats certainly amaze me with their ability to twist and curve! great post!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the 3rd photo. It's like a total circle!

jmb said...

Dragonheart you are just the curviest thing. Do you do yoga? Excellent photos. said...

So cute and curvy too!! You are adorable Dragonheart!! Sweet dreams!!

Lisa said...

Oh so flexible and curvy - beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.

Colin Campbell said...

Our dog, Spotty likes to curl up like this. Seems very unlikely given backbones and the like.

Paulie said...

Definitely a talent for being curvy! Come see mine.

Chen said...

dragonheart, Indeed curvy. u r such a cutie. My dog also likes to curl up when he sleeps ;)

Lux said...

You *are extremely lithe and flexible - I've noticed that!

Anonymous said...

Wow your cat is really superbly flexible!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart that's a wonderful curvy photohunt! Unfortunately my human is gone too much this weekend and today for me to do a photohunt!


etteY said...

that cat really looks curvy! I wish I could do that :D

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh. This is so adorable!

shiera said...

flexible indeed!
your cat reminds me of a Friends' episode where Rachel bought a cat like that for $1,000!

Shawna said...

I am so stiff compared to you! I'm glad that position doesn't hurt your back because it would hurt mine!

eastcoastlife said...

Oooo... you are so flexible! Great curvy moves you are showing here. Let me try that too. :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Fantastic take and great shots! He looks SO COMFY!!

Sarge Charlie said...

great choice for this theme

Anonymous said...

You've got some curvy moves. :)

Andree said...

The 2nd photo is amazing. You're like a master Yogi. But all the photos are amazing. I think your coat emphasizes your curves. I hope you are still feeling better and have a wonderful weekend!

**"Liza"** said...

ohh that is s cute shot very curvy and peacefully sleeping..

raymond pert said...

Dragonheart, you look like a purring kitty made of putty! You are one of a kind!

PowersTwinB said...

well sweetie, you look wonderful in that most beautiful gree bed! Your body certianly did fill the requirement for this weeks theme of curvy! Great job!!! My photo is up, please come and visit

Queen of My Domain said...

Really neat photos you chose.

Everyday Healy said...

Oh! you are certainly very flexible. But, there is one girl who is good at it too. Check it out!

Ingrid said...

If that is not curvy, lol ! and you fill in your basket so nicely.

Trinity said...

Hi How are you today... ?

I thought this is a dog! Is that really a cat? your cat? May be you can lend me for two or three days.. LOL.. I want to touch it!

Trinity from Rooms of
My Heart

PastormacsAnn said...

You're definitely curvy Dragonheart! Nice choice for The Hunt.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never seen a hairless cat before! Awesome pictures. Have a great weekend :)

HartofDixie said...

Wow! That's really amazing. Good that you captured those.
Happy Hunting!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dragonheart you are so round and cozy in your bed! Guess what I did today? I came out of my frying pan this evening and stayed out up till now...that would be over five hours! Plus mommy gave me a bath today...she said a week of stinky sick bay made mean icky girl cat. Then I slept on my soft fuzzy blue blanket infront of the warm stove. Life if great because I am getting better:)
Thanks for loving me...Miss Peachy

JaamZIN said...

really curvy:) to be honest I never seen cats like this only on your blog:)

Me and my crazy mind

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. You are great in doing curves. It must be fun to curl on your bed without much effort.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the 2nd one best!!! That is a beautiful photo of you in the sunshine!!!!

Thanks for dropping by my Photo/Curvy!!

Anonymous said...

OOOoo.. you're so flexible. Ever thought of attending Ballet classes? Heehee.. Have a fun day (=

Anonymous said...

oh that's very comfortable posotion specially winter days.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Dragonheart,
My sweet meow friend...You are like a noodle. Love those photos.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

lovely curvy shots! :)
so cool!

happy weekend

Anonymous said...

your very flexible to do those curvy positions!

Anonymous said...

am sure you're so comfy with that position! :)
gorgeous shots!
thanks for visiting

happy weekend!

ipanema said...

wow, great curvy positions indeed! beautiful photos! :)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous shots..happy weekend!thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

that really curvy cute..thanks for visiting!

Ramses said...

Gosh you can curl up really well! :)

Michele said...

That's just so cute. My cat tries but as he sleeps his body slowly inches back to the "long" state and he keeps waking back up to try to curl back up. He looks so frustrated that he can't stay curled up... hehehe... awesome pics!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Sue said...

Oh, I love this idea! What a very flexible kitty!

Susan Demeter said...

Excellent shots Dragonheart those certainly are curvy poses .. :)

Anonymous said...

That's great, Dragonheart. Your bed looks so cozy!!

Anonymous said...

i would like to ask what kind of cat is this?

Mommy Lutchi said...

the kitty cat is cute curling around. I love cat...would u care to ex-link with me?

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you have the one cat that I would probably NOT be allergic to. Very curvy and very cute!!

Anonymous said...

Very curvy! You certainly are flexible Dragonheart!

Parker said...

You are extra curvy!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Dragonheart,you are nice and round and fit your round bet perfectly. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks so comfortable!

Baba said...

Good morning Dragonheart, What a collection of cool positions....I would love to rub your belly... Baba

Angela said...

Beautiful curves, thanks for sharing and visiting!

Katney said...

Dragonheart Dear, you are a very curvy cat. (A very groovy cat as well.)

ASTOR CATS said...

Hi Dragonheart, you are very curvy.

Thanks for stopping by and checking on Stray Kitty. He is already starting to feel better. After just 2 doses of meds he tried to pounce on Midnite. He's feeling better - is sitting right now on the scanner watching out of the office window for some of his lizard friends. Last night two little frogs got in the house and it was a contest to see which of them would capture it.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Anonymous said...

You look all cozy curled up!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Those are really good Curvy photos, Dragonheart! You always have such good pictures :)

~ Gracie

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dearest Dragonheart,

You are really doing so Curvy, and last 2 photos, wow, so "cirle round", I enjoy the last 2 very very very much~!!!! GREAT Photo as always~!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice and curvy for sure.

YTSL said...

Wow, Dragonheart! Really like photo 3 and wish I could be as flexible as you there! ;D

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love that quilt you're lying on in the sun.
Mama Bear

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow Dragonheart, even yoor wrinkles got curvy.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Thanks for stopping bye! Happy Saturday!

LibertyBelle said...

Oh my goodness, is that a curly curvy kitty! Great photo!
Happy weekend

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Amazing shots, amazing car - never had the nerve to get one like this.

Guess the regular alley cats are my thing...

Momgen said...

wow thats really curvy one. good choice...mine

Sarah said...

LOVE your pictures, Dragonheart!! Keep snoozing!

Tanya said...

the third picture is the best!!!

Heather said...

You are a very flexible kitty there!!

bonggamom said...

Wow, curvy like a snake. Dragonheart looks so comfy and cozy in that little round bed!

Siani said...

Dragonheart, you look as gorgeous as ever. Fabulous curvy pics! Have a wonderful weekend.

Samantha & Mom said...

You are one great curvy cat, Dragonheart! Love the pictures! So funny, we thought of the same thing!!
Great minds for sure! (hehehe)
Your FL furiends,

Janet said...

such a talented kitty! said...

THose are amazing curves

Gran said...

A great collection of curvy photos for our theme this week.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Stop by and see mine.

Joyismygoal said...

i wish we humans were as fexy as you are

Joyismygoal said...

that was flexy

Anonymous said...

Very flexible, DH! Nice photos, too.

Joy said...

Wow! Awesome photos! So curvy!

MetaMommy said...

Oh, to be a cat. They sure know how to live it up. Perfect subject ;-)

Unknown said...

I love how he's all curled up into a ball. So flexible!

Teena in Toronto said...

You sure are one curvy kitty!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you crack me up. You are quite curvy!!

Whirlwind said...

Looks very comfy.

Susan said...

Those are some very curvy photos!! Thanks for sharing.


tanabata said...

Very flexible indeed! I especially like the 3rd photo! :)
Thanks for visiting mine.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You is very curvy, that is for sure.

changeiam said...

Wow that's lovely shot and sure looks like she's very comfortable too :) Thanks for dropping by my curvy