#37 - 13 Things About My Recent Tummy Troubles
Warning: this may be too much information (TMI) for some, due to discussions of litterbox trips.
- I have always had a sensitive tummy. My humans call it an "expensive" tummy, because cheaper foods don't stay down. If I eat too quickly, it also doesn't stay down.
- Sphynx, as a breed, tend to have sensitive digestive systems. We need to be fed a very high quality food, and we eat more than other breeds, because we have a fast metabolism that helps us to stay warm.
- I've eaten the same high-quality, 100% organic, 100% hormone-free and 100% antibiotic-free food my entire life (first the kitten food, then the adult food). It is grain-free and has no by-products. The crunchies I've eaten have always been chicken-based, but the stinky goodness has varied - I've eaten chicken, salmon, trout, tuna and chicken & shrimp, salmon & shrimp, and chicken & pumpkin varieties of the stinky goodness.
- My litterbox trips have always been a little soft, again, due to the fast Sphynx metabolism, but recently, they were getting even softer and stinkier than before, and I had a couple of trips where there was blood on my bum and on the surface of my stool.
- That's when I was taken to the vet, I was given a shot, and pills to take, and I seemed to be doing better, although my stool was still very soft and stinky.
- Because of that, the vet wanted to try me on a new food, a prescription food that was high in fibre.
- That food clearly didn't agree with my system, because although it was yummy, and I kept it down, I was getting more blood on my bum and on my stool.
- So, since both the prescription food and my original food were chicken-based, we decided to try a chicken-free food.
- Right now, I am eating a duck-based food. I've been on it since Tuesday.
- Tuesday morning and evening, there was a lot of blood on my bum and my stool, so my mom was very worried. The vet said to try the new food for a week, and if I was still having problems, they would run more tests on me.
- Yesterday, there was no blood. My stool was just soft and very stinky. This morning, there was just a tiny bit of blood when I used the litterbox.
- Hopefully, this is just a food allergy and the new food will work.
- Thank you all for your purrs and your prayers. They are greatly appreciated.
Dragonheart! Oh thank you so much for the nice visit and you conCATulations on my winning the pretty Rose Medallion. I am just thrilled about it! Like winning an Oscar really. Does my old kitty heart really good this time of year too.
I remember Sheba cat food had a flavor with duck when I was in Germany. I hope you get better and better with the new food...I have has a little loose poops too these few days:(
Remember that you are loved by me...Miss Peach
Thank you for the "tummy" update! I sure hope your beans will find the food for you that will make the blood go away forever! Good thing that you are feeling good, though! And with that sensitive tummy you will always get the very finest food ever, and that is good, I guess. Maybe I should develop just a little case of sensitive tummy myself...?
Thanks fur da update, Dragonheart. Haffing a sensitif tummy myself I unnerstand all da "poo problems". I've always had soft, stinky ones. Sometimes I will eat something I shoodent and It comes out like really stinky chocolate pudding...TMI? Heck, I've even had blood in a cuppul of dem, mom panics, calls da vet, he sez not to worry it'll clear up in a cuppul of day. It always has.
That was such a great post because I got the whole pic of how Dragonheart is doing! I hope you are back to 100% real soon (and enjoy all the lovely fine dining you're getting!)
Dearest Dragonheart,
Reading your Tummy issue is let me feel comfort a little bit. So many detail and I am happy for you have so sensitive mommy to take care of you, too.
I hope the new food gonna work, and I am so admiring your encourage and could see VET and being in test so many test. Just like you take bath so many times, that is what I couldn't do for my life time~!! But you could~!! You are really amazing~!!!
Certainly I will continue pray for you until you are recover completely~!!! Your baby brother gonna need a very strong and healthy brother to look after~! So, we are sending more strength to you to let you move on to heal quicker~!!!!
Wish you feeling better and better~!!!!!
and Purrr, hundred times for you~!!
Best Regards
Adan * michico
Hi Dragonheart. Thanks for telling us what's been happening. I want to know cuz I want you to get better. I sure hope this new food helps you.
Hugs, kisses and chin rubs.
Hey Dragonheart. I hope you feel better soon.
I don't have a T13 up, but came by to tell you I got a present fur you. It's an award fur yur blog. Whoof!! Come by my blog and pick it up.
It sounds as if your tummy is on the road to recovery!
I'll keep purring that eating duckies works for you! :)
Duck sounds very delicious! I hope your tummy keeps getting better and better.
Poor DH, I am glad your stool was a little better today with no blood. Please take care of yourself and stay warm. FAZ
Duck food? Do you need me to bunnykick it first? :(
I mean, I'd do anything to help out a fellow mancat, especially to help him feel better...
I hope you solve the problems soon.It can't be much fun for you,all the trips to the VetPurrs
hey my lovely dragonheart!
thank you for thirteen facts!
my meowmie said not to worry that it may be the thing i have got - more than likely you would not be eating and would have no appaetite and would be losing weight very fast too. i suspect you would be vomming the blood as well. hope you get better very soon! what is the brand of food you are now eating? xxx
Poor little guy, this has been really rough on you!! I really hope that the duck will do the trick and you'll be back to normal soon.
WE hope that you do not start quacking heehee
Our mommie sometimes gives us such a little bit of food... then we have to eat that and wait for the next helping. We both eat very fast!!
we hope they diet changes will make your tummy happy. Perhaps this will be something you will have to do on a regular basis... change foods. Prinnie has that problem like you.
We love you loads DH <3
Thanks for your kind words for the LL. She LOVES her German saddle, but its a dressage saddle so she needs a jumping saddle too- hence the one from the UK. As your mom knows...horses are EXPENSIVE!! She's doing well with her new diet, its just a real life style change but she feels so much better so its really a good thing for her.
Meowm has a sensitive tummy too, so we understand how much trouble you are going through. We will continue our purrayers for you till all returns to normal.
We sure hope you don't have to go back to the doctor! Everyone hates that.
our mommy has a sensitive tummy too and can't eat her favorite food (cheese) anymore. it makes her sick for days now. Our grammie hadded a kitty that had a really really sensitive tummy - he could not eat anything with any sort of dye in it at all or he would get really sick and have to go to the v-e-t. they found out that even if a food says it's dye free, it might not be.
We is lad that you is doing better and hopes you get all way better soon.
I hope the new food helps your tummy. Duck sounds absolute delicious. I'm wishing you more solid and not so stinky poos.
Sounds like the new diet is beginning to work. We hope the change in food will clear up your problems.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
I had no idea it was a breed thing. I am glad things are looking up for you.
I hope you don't start being allergic to duck too!
Also have you considered homeopathy for your sensitive tummy?
Dragonheart we are sorry you are having such terrible tummy troubles. We are purring for you to be all better really soon. You are too nice of a mancat to have these troubles.
Duck! Does it taste nice? I've never twied it before!
Well, we all think you're pretty, even if you do have a sensitive tummy. Our pal Cabernet has a sensitive digestive system, too, and is carefully fed and monitored (ingoing and outcoming) daily. We love him, too!
Purrs from Grace & Company
The servants always say that change is good, as a cat I tend to think the contrary but maybe it is a good thing for your food. I am about to switch food myself, I am going off the kitten food and gradually into adult food, the servants say I've grown up so fast!
Keep getting better, lots of purrrs,
Glad you're feeling some better, buddy. And we'll keep our paws crossed you don't have to go back to the v-e-t.
your bud Pepi
Dragonheart that is wonderful news, I really really hope you are on the mend. xx purring for you xx
Big hugs to you sweet Dragonheart. I hope this new food keeps you all better from now on. It is no fun for anyone when the kitty is sick.
Bendrix was worried too. He is glad you're OK. You're one of our best buds so you have to stay healthy!
I hope the duck food works out for you, buddy. Tummy problems are no fun at all, and all those trips to the v-e-t must have been very traumatic. You are a very brave mancat.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Well, duck will be a new dining experience and we hear some cats really like it! Hope you do and that it does the trick with your tummy. Good luck, buddy.
Our Dear Dragonheart,
We sure do hope this new food will help you to feel better and your tummy gets well.
You have such good humans, and we know they are keeping a close eye on you.
~ Bob and Patrick & The Cats
Oh Dragonheart, I hope they find out what is the matter soon. Hopefully, it is just a food allergy and they can find the right food quickly. Take care.
Oh Dragonheart... my mommies would also be worried if they could write a TT about a troubled tummy.
I hope they find a yummy and good food really soon!
I send purrrrs and purrayers for a quick recovery.
jeesh dh.
dat jus mite be tmi!
Feel better. Vader has food allergies too and now we have to get him the food from the vet as well.
Oh Dragonheart, we purr that the new food works! Thanks for letting us know how you have been doing.
Your FL furiends,
Um,...that wuz a lot of poopy iformation. Hope things firm up soon.
Jeez, Dragonheart, your mom must be as frustrated as my mom with the itching that wouldn't go away. Except it's worse when it is someone else. I did not mind the TMI. Lucky & I want to know how you are doing. Hope you get better real soon.!
Wouldn't the high fiber food just go through faster? But, hey, whatefer works, works. Hopin fer the best for you.
Skeeter and LC
Have you tried any Lamb? I have recentlys and its omc's good!
Wow, you're eating duck! We have ducks that come over and sit on the side of our pool and sometimes swim, but we've never tasted a duck! We are hoping and purring that it will do the trick for you!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Awwwww, Dragonheart, we Ballicai are all still purrin' and purrin' fur you -- we hope yur baffroom troubles clear up furry soon and that the new duck foodies do the trick!
Huggies to your sweet Momma!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Dooood, I'm pretty sure only you could wrote about...that...and have us sitting on the edges of out seats. I really hope this food does the trick. And now I'd like to try duck...
Oh Dragonheart, I hope so much that your bathroom problem clears up soon! We have been very concerned about you and have been purring every day. Good luck with the duck, *smile*!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I hope the duck food cures your problem, Dragonheart. I don't know much about food allergies, but my pollen allergies have changed over the years according to what I am exposed to. Maybe eating chicken for so long made you sensitive to it.
Gee, Dragonheart, I'm so worried about you. I hope you will be better on your new food.
Hugs from Gretchen, who doesn't play TT, and from her mom bean, who does. We both love you and are purring for you. Well, mom bean doesn't purr but her heart goes out to you.
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