Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Tuxie Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday Here is a recent digital scrapbook layout that my mom did of me. Doesn't it look great?(Click image to view a larger version. Credits for the scrapbook layout can be found here.)

Next week, for Cats on Tuesday, I will answers the questions that I have been asked for the past several weeks. If you have any additional questions you would like to ask, leave me a comment! Thanks. :)


Anonymous said...

You are as cute as a bug in a rug!

Leslie said...

We think you look so beautiful today!

Puss-in-Boots said...

That's a lovely photo, Dragonheart. You should be a centrefold for Catsmopolitan!

Daisy said...

That is a great layout for you because you are definitely "Cute as can be!"

Andree said...

You scrapbookers are the most talented bunch! The blues/grays are a perfect color for you, Dragonheart; and the lights and shadows just show you off really great. Happy COT!

Mickey's Musings said...

That IS a nice layout because the color is very complimentary to you.
You would look cute in any picture though ;)

Monty Q. Kat said...

Aw, your Mom does excellent scrapbooking!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You pose wells and your moms does a good jobs puttings it togethers. We all thinks you are cutes.



That is a fabulous picture of you and the layout is really really cute.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Tuesday Greetings Dragonheart, You are terrifically handsome.

We are so excited that you are getting a little brother in December.
So when is he going to get a name!?


Anonymous said...

Cute as can be is absolutely perfect for you Dragonheart, because you are!

Titus said...

That is an awesome scrapbook page. You look very tuxedo-y today, DH.

Happy Tuesday!


PS - How are your 'tocks doing?

Anonymous said...

It's a nice layout to begin with, and adding you makes it terrific!

The Cat Realm said...

Here is your question: When will you dess up your humans for the Dare???
And remember: I want everybody to vote for viewer's choice Friday and Saturday... so time is running out...
You look very very cute in this picture, by the way!!!

None said...

You sure know how to pose Dragonheart! I loved the layout!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You are as cute as can be that is for sure!!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Very cute! Does you mom scrapbook in paper too? She should, she has a talent.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This photo is perfect, so is your mommy's digital work~!
I think your expression means :Oah, Mommy~! Am I adorable ? Do you adore me?

And the answer are all, YES YES YES YES~!!!!

LZ said...

I like that page a lot! You look very dignified.


Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you always look great!

Forty Paws said...

Awwww. What a kyoootie! You are such a sweetheart DH!!!

Luf, Us

Tybalt said...

Dragonheart, you are as handsome as ever! Your mom did a great job . . . she's right . . . you are cute as can be!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You are, indeed, cute as can be!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ooo, so handsome Dragonheart. If dad said to mom "let's get a Sphynx" mom would prolly say yes! Den she would make dad give it a bath...hahahha Da lady dat brings hers to meetings at da shelter was der last week and mom held him, it's furry cold this week so he prolly won't be there.

catsynth said...

Cute as can be, indeed!

Anonymous said...

That does look great. Your mom did a very nice job.

The Meezers or Billy said...

it's beautiful!!!! and so are you!

Anonymous said...

So handsome Dragonheart! Your Mommy is very talented!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

What a gurreat picture! Wow, your mommy sure makes gurreat scrapbook pages!

DH, thanks for making my mommy feel better during this tough time, and thanks for making me feel better too.


The Crew said...

It's good to see you made it back from that terrific roadtrip.

You always look good in your pictures, D. You're very photogenic!

Anonymous said...

you are so cute Dragonheart! Your mum did a good job! I didn't participe to COT this tuesday because I was a little tired with my teen agers on vacation. But I will have lot to say last tuesday because a poor, poor kitty arrived at home this week!

Unknown said...

You are very handsome my sweetie friend!
Happy Tuesday
Feliz Martes


Celeste said...

Wonderful colors for you.
Do you have a coat to wear?

Suzanne R said...

My mom is a scrapbooker (when Socks lets her), although in paper, and she says she would love to be able to do such a pretty page! DH makes the perfect (yes, "cute") focus of attention.


Unknown said...

Dragonheart, your Mum does very nice digital scrapbooking. You look very nice against that colour blue!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo of you, Dragonheart! And with mom's scrapbook layout you're are even more handsome, a kitty photo model.:)


Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Dragonheart, you sure are cute!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

DK & The Fluffies said...

DH you are TOTALLY cute as a button! Thanks again for visiting.

PB 'n J said...

What a great layout - we love it when our Mom scrapbooks us. We even have our own book!

Anonymous said...

Those are cool pictures! Nice to see you again, Dragonheart. My Lady wouldn't let me blog last week. She said she was too busy. It sucked, but it's great to be back.

Lux said...

Adorable - your mom is *really good at this stuff! (She has a great model, too.)

The Fluffy Tribe said...

we luv yer scrapbook page Dragonheart ~the Fluffy Tribe

Tara said...

You are very cute! Next Tuesday sounds very interesting!

Thanks for coming to my party! I'll do a roundup on Thursday and announce the imagination winners.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Your Mom does very nice work :-)