We both love to lie in the sun! :) For those of you who asked if we could get sunburned. Yes, if we were outside in direct sun, we would need to wear sunscreen so that we wouldn't get sunburned. However, indoors, the glass in the windows block enough of the bad UV that causes sunburns, and so we don't burn. When we go outside on our harnesses, we aren't out long enough to get sunburned, and our humans make sure we always have lots of shade.

Yesterday was a holiday here in Germany, so we weren't around to visit all of our friends. We are sorry that we were unable to return your visits, and we will visit as many of our friends who commented as we can today. Thanks for understanding!
We are very sad to hear that Bonnie Underfoot has gone to the Bridge. Our deepest condolences to her family.
(Thanks to Zoolatry for the graphic)
Hello dear Dragonheart. I wanted to come and give you a big hug today. It is a special day for me...my one year blogoversary. You were one of my first visitors and will always be so very special in my heart!
Happy weekend from you little Miss Peach
Wow, you can really get a sunburn. That's interesting! Have a great weekend!
(((Hugs to Dragonheart and Merlin!))
in honor of Bonnie Underfoot were are cellybrating a weekend of hugs and we are here to send our hugs to you all!
((((((((((hugs)))))))))) Kashim
((((((((((hugs)))))))))) Othello
((((((((((hugs)))))))))) Momma Astrid
You boys look so handsome today! We had figured direct sunlight would be a problem for your skin.
The Meezers started a Hug-a-thon because we are all so sad about losing Bonnie so suddenly.
Ooh lovely sun, I want some of that here too!
Dear Dragonehart and Merlin, you two look very happy in the sunshine.
I am very happy to see my favorite frootbats
Happy week-end!
DRagonheart and Merlin,you look co happy sitting in the sunshine! I cannot think of a better way to spend the day :)
HUgs & Purrs Mickey
awww, mommy is GUSHING about how cute you both are!!!
oh and {{{{HUGS}}}} to all of you!!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} from Laila and Lilly.
Be careful in that sun!
Please don't get sunburned!
We just heard this morning about Bonnie. Our heartfelt purrs go out to her family.
You both look so relaxed and comfy in the sun.
in honor of Miss Bonnie an the day/ weekend/ holiday of HUGS, here’s ours for you:
*******hugs******* (KC)
*******hugs******* (Missy)
*******hugs******* (Faith)
*******hugs******* (Sol)
*******hugs******* (Smokey)
*******hugs******* (BJ)
Love, The Sherwood Bunch
You look like you are really enjoying the sun there. Sun burn isn't a problem for you as you don't go out on your own :O)
(((Hugs))) Sukie X
Those were terrific pictures of both of you...I love laying in the sun also...
We love the sun too, but we bet you like it more!
Junior and Orion
Helllo Dragonheart and Merlin, you both look very comfy in the sun.
We're bringing (((hugs))) too.
Love Finny Buddy & Jasmine
I'm glad your Mom and Dad make sure you don't get sunburned. Mom has been sunburned and says it hurts a lot.
Hello sweet handsome boys,
Sending {{{HUGS & PURRS}}} to your family from ours!
Spooker, Daphne, Chloe, Little Isis, Jazper, and Not The Mama
Hugs from all of us Dragonheart and Merlin!
We remember reading your person's blog back when we did TT. She would always come and make a nice comment. And then she got YOU and you started to visit!
You two look so happy in your sun spots!
In honor of Bonnie, we're sending you all hugs, hugs and more hugs!
What beautiful sunny pictures!
In honor of the beloved Bonnie we are sending you some super large hugs. You two feel like an extension of our family and we wanted to let you know how important you and your humans are to us.
Dragonheart & Merlin, our dear friends, on this Weekend of Hugs we're sending lots of (((!!HUGS!!))) from all of us to all of you. We love you and cherish you as our special friends.
Hugs & Purrs,
& all of us at Artsy Catsy
I love your sunny spots!! We all have ones here also.
We are all heartbroken about Bonnie. She will be missed by all...
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Many {{hugs}} to both Merlin and Dragonheart on this sad day.
Those look like fabulous sun spots.
{{{Hugs}}} to both of you and your Mom and Dad. Have a wonderful weekend and don't get sunburned : )
hi! I want to send you both great big hugs and bendrix is sending Mancatly pats on the back (he is more feral than me)
have a good weekend. i hope you had a wonderful holiday.
Beach volley ball, tiki bars and hot tubs???? You guys have been BUSY today! Be sure to stop in a grab some roast lizard before it is all gone!
Opus and Rosoce
Hugs and purrs to you guys!
Hahahaha, you guys look good working on your tans.
Yes, we are all shocked to hear about Bonnie. Victor will need all of us now, more than ever.
You look so contented snoozing in the sun!
{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} from
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
HUGS to all of your beans and to you boths as well.
You look like you're having a great tiem in the sun, guys.
*hugggggggggggggs* to you both
your bud Pepi and his nutty sisfurs
Great frootbat pictures, buddies! Granny and Poppa are here to help Momma out, and Poppa keeps going on and on about how elegant you are. Thought you'd like to know.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
((((Dragonheart and Merlin)))) Holiday of Hugs for Bonnie.
We are glad your beans protect you from sunburn. PlusOne and dad burn, and it is no fun.
You are such handsum frootbats! And us Ballicai are givin you both great big ((((((((hugs)))))))). We are so honored and glad to have you as our friends!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hugs to Dragonheart and Merlin!
What wonderfully handsome fellows you are! I'm sending you both huge (((((((hugs)))))). I'm proud and honored to have you as my friends!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin. Thanks and many hugs and purrs to you for your kind words on my blog during my Food Dude's recent illness. Your concern meant so much to all of us.
Hugs and purrs, Halloween and her people
big big hug from Adan and LEGO~~~
ohh...you cannot sunbathing with direct sunlight like us...yeah, you should becareful guys with that.
(((((hugs from meaouwy troops for all of you)))))
Have A Great Hugs Week End!
You both look great in your sunspots. I know I've said it before, but I love the way the light shines through your ears. Lots of big {{{HUGS}}} from my to all of you.
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