- Being bathed! It is necessary for us to stay healthy, but we don't like it. Like all cats, our skin secretes oils. Since we have no fur for the oil to distribute itself through, the oils build up on our skin and need to be periodically removed through bathing, otherwise it can cause skin problems. Merlin really doesn't like being bathed; Dragonheart tolerates it.
- Having our ears cleaned. Again, since we have no fur in our ears, the wax really builds up and needs to be removed. Once again, Merlin really hates having this done; Dragonheart tolerates it.
- Having our claws trimmed. Sphynx have a fast metabolism that helps to keep us warm. Because of this fast metabolism, our claws grow quickly, and need to be trimmed weekly, sometimes twice a week! Actually, Dragonheart doesn't mind having his nails trimmed, but Merlin hates it (see a trend here?)
- Having our eye "goop" wiped away. Sphynx have no eyebrow whiskers (we actually have no whiskers at all, or just very tiny whiskers) and no eyelashes, so our eyes aren't as well protected as those of other cats. So we tend to get "eye goop" collecting at the corner of our eyes. It is perfectly normal and healthy in Sphynx. But the "goop" needs to be cleaned away. Once again, Dragonheart doesn't mind this too much (most of the time) but Merlin hates it!
- Having our bums wiped. This doesn't happen very often any longer, but sometimes we end up with a little bit of poo on our bums, and it needs to be wiped off. Unlike the previous items, this is one that Dragonheart REALLY doesn't like. Merlin is not too fond of it either.
- The Cold! Again, because we have no fur, we really hate cold weather. Fortunately, we do have a fast metabolism that helps to keep us warm, and we are smart: if we feel cold, we'll find a warm lap to curl up in, or some blankets to burrow under. The rule of thumb as to whether or not a Sphynx is cold is this: if a human needs a sweater to stay warm indoors, then chances are a Sphynx would like a blanket or sweater to help stay warm too.
- Being Pet With Cold Hands! Since we don't like the cold, we really don't like when someone tries to pet us with cold hands! Pet us through a fleece or blanket, or warm up your hands if they are cold, before you try to pet us.
- Being told "no!" Like all cats, we don't like being told that we can't do something!
- Being told "get down!" There are certain places in the house where we aren't supposed to go, like up on the kitchen table. We don't like being told "get down" when we're up on one of them.
- Being sprayed with the evil spray water bottle. When we are doing something we aren't supposed to do, sometimes we are sprayed with the evil water bottle. We don't like it at all.
- Being shut out of the bedroom. Normally we are allowed in the bedroom, and we even sleep with our humans every night. Sometimes, however, we are shut out of the bedroom, and when that happens, we don't like it.
- Having toys put away. We have a lot of interactive toys that we love playing with, like the Whirlybird and the Butterfly. However, these toys require interaction with a human. When our humans get tired of playing with us, they put these toys away (so that we don't hurt ourselves with them). We don't like it when the toys are put away.
- When our humans go away. Although we either have a wonderful cat sitter looking after us, or else we have a deluxe private room in the Katzenpension, all to ourselves, when our humans go away, we still prefer having them at home. We love our human mom and dad, and much prefer spending our time with them!
I can certainly agree with all the things you don't like. Being squirted with the evil water bottle must be really uncomfortable for you. I can really understand not wanting to be petted with cold hands. Brrr!
It seems Dragonheart can handle but Merlin can't accept most of them. Hahahaha~~~
I think that is the difference between big brother and younger~~
We agree with most of the things you don't like, but not the water sprayer. When we were young and being naughty, mum thought she would try an evil water sprayer. Evil? No!! We thought, "Great fun! Mum's got us a new toy". Every time she sprayed it we would jump at it and try to catch the water. We both really do love water.
I can see why you would not like all of those things!
Cold hands are no fun at all!
Well, all in all, we think you boys have it pretty good!
I do not like many of those things, either. My ears get very waxy, too, and I hate ear cleaning time the most.
Very good list of things you don't like! Cold hands on your sweet bodies would not feel good!
I has to agree with your list. Although, I don'ts mind the cold so well but can's understand why you's dont like it - its furry chilly withouts belly fur at the moments for me. And ooooooo when's I see the finger paws coming ats my eye to wipes it, I run for cover too!
That is a good list and I agree with it! I don't have to have a bath,thank heaven!!! I also do not like closed doors,unless it's to keep my sisfurs out,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Oh yeah, love Indiana Jones!
Come see our wedding photos 9 years ago today!
It was very interesting to read about you both. MM has a really hard job cutting my claws. I like water but only to watch it running.
Purrs, Sukie X
Neither Kavan nor I would like any of those very much!
I don't like a lot those things either!! Maggie is the only one who will tolerate getting her nails clipped. Huggy hates it the most! We all hate baths - BIG TIME!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
we don't like most of those things either. we doesn't have an evil spray water bottle becuase we just ignore it. but i do haf to say this: My eye boogers are MINE and I want them in my eyes. - Miles
Wow! Your mom has to do a lot of cleaning for you guys. Does it feel like living in a spa?
Luckily for us we at least we do our own baths...
No, none of those things sounds any fun. It really makes me glad to be a meeze so I don't have to get bathed (although the woman does rub the eye goop out of my eyes.)
Guys, those things are all terrible! No wonder you don't like them.
We haff a trend at our house too. I like being cuddled and I'm okay with claw clipping time. But Tenny? Forget it.
We totally agree with all of the things on your list, but we ourselves don't have to go thru all of them ... we don't get baths and cold hands don't really bother us.
Thanks for teleporting over when momma and daddy were gone, that was really fun and we enjoyed your visit!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Merlin certainly shows his meezer colors doesn't he? He and Kaze have so much in common.
Those are good things not to like. Merlin, are you a hater? hee hee
We don't like cold hands either. And Momma always has cold hands.
That is a great list and I agree with most of it, but my mom would never squirt me with a water bottle. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Yeah, I am super spoiled!
These are 13 very valid thing20s worth not liking. I agree.
I HATE having my bum wiped, and most of this other stuff too.
Caesar was always such a good sport about everything like this.... a lot like you DH!
Yes - I do hate all of these things.
Wow, Lucky and I agree with you on almost every single one of those. The cold hand ones is really bad. But the water bottle? YIKES!
Roxy & Lucky
That is a very comprehensive list, guys! We think you got all the big ones for us, too. Wait, did you list the vaccum cleaner on there??? That is a big thing that we both do not like here in our house. Have a happy Friday!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
You are a lot like Camie - she wants a sweater if it is cold inside too. We don't like most of those things either.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
WOWY - we didn't realize we hadded SO much in common wif you guys!
No wonder you don't like those things. I did not realize, however, that your Mom or Dad having cold hands would be uncomfortable to you.
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