We have also been tagged for some memes, and we promise to do them as soon as we can. Our humans are off to Regensburg tomorrow (a city about an hour from Munich) where they will be running another half-marathon on Sunday. So if we aren't around much on the weekend, you'll know why. We hope to do the memes on Monday or Tuesday.
We also know that we owe several of you scrapbook pages. You'll be happy to know that after this weekend, our mom won't be travelling anywhere again until July at the earliest, so she'll have time to finally finish the pages she owes many of you. So sorry for the delays - she was overwhelmed with the number of orders!
I hope you have a good weekend and that you get lots of sunshine to warm yourselves by! :)
Wow, that's a lotta Frootbat! Merlin, you are looksing especially Frootbatty today!
Run, run, run! We have a nephew who runs in marathons, so we know it isn't just the event itself, but all that training. We hope your humans perform well!
Two cuties! What great pictures!
double the handsome-ness!!!
Hope your humans have fun in the marathon. Regensburg is a very nice town!
You two are looking mighty handsome ;)
Good luck to your humns this weekend!!
Purrs Mickey
Awwwwww....look at your sweet faces!!!
Good luck and best wishes to your humans for the marathon! I hope the weather is perfect too.
You boys are sooo handsome. stunning gentlecats!
Happy sunny week-end
You guys are so cute.
Oh Merlin, you are SO handsome! You were an adorable kitten but as a Man Cat Frootbat....you're a stunner!!! Good luck to your humans on their run. I think its fabulous they have such an incredible sport they do together.
Ahh the dreaded blogger ate my comments...
These were two great pictures of you both.
We hope your humans have a great time this weekend...and both of you as well..
Wow, your beans sure are busy! It's a good thing that's they lets you blog so much (Mommy Bean's isn't that busy and she has been slacking some weeks. *sheesh*)
Merlin, your frootbat ears looks so big and majickal!
Dragonheart, you my friend are as handsome as always.
Great pictures guys. Have a great weekend!
Lovely photos - again :O)
Purrs, Sukie X
Have a great weekend! Happy Foorbat Friday to all.
I bet those pages are all worth the wait!
Have a good weekend you guys. Are you going to do a half marathon nap in honor of your humans?
Merlin's eyes are such a stunning shade of blue!
Lookin' good, buddies! Big D, you look very wise. And Merlin--you have wizard eyes!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Great pictures! Sorry we haven't been around much, momma has been up and down a lot and is WAY be hind at day hunting. We did the star quiz to, I was Opra, hmm didn't see that and Empress got Anjalina Jolie way cool! Oh well. ~Queen Snickers
Very froot-batty!
Excellent FrootBats! Have a great weekend!
I love both of your frootbat ears and your lovely, lovely eyes!
Hi boys, you are both looking great today!
You both have beautiful ears. And faces, and eyes.... You both are very handsome.
Roxy & Lucky
Dragonheart and Merlin - you both look like you are really enjoying the sun. Mom says she remembers one summer when they didn't get any sun for 42 days - it rained the whole time.
We hope you don't miss your mom and dad too much - maybe they'll bring a present home for you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You just have the most beautiful faces!!! Good luck with the half-marathon for the humans.
If you have time - I'd need some help at my blog....
Wow! Those are SURE big ears...
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