Our humans ran the München Stadtlauf (Munich City Run) today. They ran the half-marathon, which was 21 km (13 miles). It was very humid out, and fairly warm, but fortunately most of the course was well-shaded. The race started downtown at Marienplatz (right in front of the Rathaus - the City Hall), then they ran through the Englischer Garten, which is a huge park in the middle of Munich (with lots of shade) and then they finished back in Marienplatz.
Due to the heat, and especially the high humidity (it was 94% humidity when our humans left the house this morning), they ran very slow, but they finished! They are now going to relax for the rest of the day.
We think relaxing is good. This is what we were doing while they were running:

Tags: Easy Like Sunday Morning, Running, Race, Half-Marathon, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
I made it here first? Wow!
I hope your beans get some rest, I don't know how beans can run for that long in the sun. I mean, they don't have fur and all, but still. Way to go! :)
Hope yoo had a nice cool house and plenty of water waiting fur dem when dey gots home...oh wait, we're cats...let them get it themselves.
We agree, relaxing is good. Now your humans are back, you can all relax together.
I think you got the better deal on Sunday morning!
Oh that is a lot of running in the sun! Resting is the best thing :O)
Purrs, Sukie X
I think you two were the smart ones :) At least you can all snuggle and have a lazy Sunday!!!
Purrs Mickey
I would much rather spend my Sunday morning relaxing!
Wow, your humans were busy. i's so glad to be a cat an not haf to run in tha heat an humidity.
Purrs, KC
Congratulations to your Beans!!!!!
You two look so cuddly! Mommy would really like to come and kiss on you both!
It sounds like your plan is the more appealing, biys! Stay cool & well-hydrated!
Congrats to your beans. Mom is glad that they run smart and not macho! (no offense to your dad, but we think he will know what mom means). Mom started her jogging today, nothing like your beans, just enough to give her more stamina at karate. Your beans inspire her.)
At this very uncomfy weather condition, they still ran for their healthy and goal, your human are very wonderful~!
Nice to see you both sleep so deeply~~
We are glad your beans finished their run and were smart about it. You two were wise to get comfy and wait it out, hee,hee.
Mindy & Moe
It's supposed to be less humid here today. Hope you ALL get to take a nap today!
We purrfer sleepin' too.....the week is just to busy!!!!!ZZZZZZZZZ=^Y^=Ty
A half-marathon in summer, your humans are very brave! I hope you can relax with them a bit now and enjoy the bright sunshine :-)
Your beans are so athletic! Hurrah for them!
Mine think they've exercised if they cross one leg over the other! ;-)
Your mom and dad did great!!!!!
Have a fun day relaxing now!
purrs, Goldie
Wow! Good for your humans. Drink plenty of water! That's a hot day for a run.
Beans can be so silli, u tu are da smart onez!
Congratulations to your humans for running in such a humid weather! Our maid does not move anymore - after 3 weeks in Germany now back in the 40plus Celsius heat she is beat!
Thank you so much for your kind words of condolences regarding the loss of Emil. Everybody here is very sad and heartbroken but we know he had a wonderful life and enjoyed every day of it to the fullest.
We appreciate you coming by and commenting even if you do not understand that our staff allows us to be part of the natural course of life. We came from the desert and always lived outside, we would be very unhappy to be locked in forever and are glad that our staff is willing to face the horrible risk of losing each of us at any moment so that we can enjoy the live of a free cat. It wouldn't be for you, we understand that totally and know that you are a lot happier indoors!
Your friends Karl and Mrs. OZ
I hope the beans cooled off enough to watch the soccer match in the evening. It was a sad day for Germany because the best team won today...Spain played a fine game.
I read what a tiny little rascal Merlin is....goodness he keeps you all on your toes!
Congratulations to your Mommy and Daddy. But I'd much rather spend a Sunday the way you and Merlin did ;-)
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