Saturday was a beautiful day for a stroll! It wasn't too hot or too humid (unlike most of the rest of the week, which was very hot and humid, we had nice weather on Friday and Saturday). So, our humans put both of us in our stroller on Saturday afternoon, and we went for a walk! We had a wonderful time, walking with both of our humans, and we saw a lot of wonderful sights! We really enjoyed sniffing the air! There were so many interesting smells! We also heard a lot of birdies, and even caught sight of a few!
It was also very exciting because we walked right past the military base where our dad works! It was very cool to see where he goes to work every day.
Merlin looking out the back:

Dragonheart looking out the back:

One of the paths we walked along:

Both of us very interested in the sights ahead:

Another path that we walked along:

Here's the front gate of the base where our dad works:

Tags: Mancat, Mancat Monday, Meezer Monday, Meezer, Stroller, Strollers for Cats, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Looks like you noth really enjoyed the great outdoors!!
Very pretty sights.
That was nice that you could go out in your stroller. It's good to get fresh air and see different scenery and see where your dad works.We hope you get lots more nice days for strolling.
How cool is that? What a great treat - I really would love a stroller!
Cool stroller guys! I have cool new toys here though so I shall not sulk too much, especially with my yummy reindeer for dinner! :) I wonder if you could eat it too Dragonheart?
Oh and Mummy saw 3 nice Sphynx at a show on the weekend, one was a very pretty Sphynx girl I hear! ;)
What a lovely area you live in. Strollering looks like fun. ~Socks
You two are so lucky to get to go outdoors like that. I think I would be a little bit scared. You aren't scared?
Abby Normal
looks like a great walk!
What a wonderful stroll! You two look like you were enjoying yourselves so much!!
That looks like a nice area for a walk :) I like hearing birds.They sing very nicely. I bet it smells neat outside. Stay cool :)
Purrs Mickey
That is a real limo! Lucky guys!
Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a nice comment! I hope it's as sunny in Munich as it is here!
Sen-Chan and Tom
Wow, I could never imagine taking my cat outdoors in one of those.
Cool photos!
Is there a fenced garden nearby where kitties can play? Maybe time to set one up!
Wow, beautiful photos of your adventure. You two look very sweet sitting nicely in your "carriage"
Your dad's work place looks like it is in a parklike setting. How nice!
That looks like a very wonderful place for a stroll!
What a wonderful out of door adventure you two had.
Wow, you boys got to go on quite the adventure!
Me, I just like looking at the sights from my windows.
Auntie Spooker
Looks like you had a great time outside discovering the paths of Munich :-)
You boys certainly had a great walk! That looked like a lot of fun. Especially getting to see where your dad goes everyday!
You boys look like you really enjoyed your strollering!
What a beautiful place to talk a walk...oh what amazing sites...Both of you are so lucky.
What a beautiful place to talk a walk...oh what amazing sites...Both of you are so lucky.
It's a wonderful green path~! Dragonheart and Merlin~!
I can even imagine the great air~!!! So happy for you guys strolling outdoor!
Great places to walk! Don't you love air sniffing? Its the best! I'm glad you all got to go out as a family.
Wow, that lookz like grate fun!!!
Oh that looked like fun! It's a very safe way to go out.
Purrs, Sukie X
That looks like it was a very fun stroll...and purrty!
Oh how nice! That looks like a pretty park! We have not got a stroller yet so Empress can not go outside. I got to go outside Saturday on my harness and stay on a tether in the backyard. (Momma and Daddy were out there too) It was great even though it was HOT! ~Queen Snickers
That looks like a great stroll you two had :-D Very cool you got to go by your Daddy's base!
We really need to get Mom and Dad to load Maggie back in the stroller and take her for a walk again. You have such a great walking place, though ... much better than the neighborhood streets Mom and Dad walk along.
Awesome strollering! There's nothing like a nice walk with your mom and dad.
What a great time, you both look like you had such fun!
That stroller is too much!! That thing is so cool I bet everyone that saw you loved it!!
What a nice walk you must have had. We are glad you had nice weather for at least two days. It has been humid and rainy, here.
oh wow! what a great stroll. it is nice you got to see where your daddy works. i think you should get a "take your kitties to work day!"
i'm glad the weather was nice.
What a great stroll you both had! You have some lovely walking trails.
Now we really want a stroller...
Glad you got outside for some fresh air. Your bean dad has to be locked up so he stays at work!?
I agree with Sen-Chan and Tom, you were out in a LIMO!! And so great you finally got see where Daddi goes every day! :-)
You both look very interested in your surroundings! What kind of stroller do you have? It looks neat!
Oh, that looks like such fun. It's a good thing there are only two of you. For all of us to go for a walk like that, Jan would need a tank.
purrs and tail wags
It looks like you had a really nice walk. We haven't been out in our stroller since we moved here because it has been too hot when Mom gets home. We are hoping it will cool off soon - but we don't have the nice walking trails like you do.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Wow! You got such great outdoors where you stay. All we have here is cars!
Your stroller looks like fun! We wish we could talk out Meowmy into getting one for us!
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