Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sphynx Sports - Vote for Me!

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Check out my entry in Skeezix' Acatemy Awards contest.

Sphynx Sports

Photo Hunters

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Dragonheart watching a hail storm(Click photo for a larger image)

Back at the beginning of March, something very strange happened! Solid bits of frozen water started falling from the sky! My humans called it hail. It was very interesting to watch, as I had never seen frozen water fall from the sky before!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Frootbat Friday

In this photo, I'm tucked under my fleece blanket on my mom's lap. It's one of my favourite places to curl up.

In a week, we celebrate Good Friday. Here in Bayern (Bavaria) the population is largely Catholic, and my two humans are Catholic as well. They have been celebrating Lent (the forty days before Easter) since Ash Wednesday in February.

For Lent this year, every time that my humans have gone grocery shopping, they have picked up a food item for the human food banks and they have picked up a package or box of cat food for the local animal shelters and cat rescue organizations.

(Click photo for a larger image)

Cheysuli tagged me with the following meme:

Five Reasons Why I Blog:
  1. I like to educate people about the Sphynx breed.

  2. I like having a record of my adventures.

  3. I have made many good friends through blogging, and I hope to make more.

  4. It's a way to share my experiences and photos with all of my humans' friends and family back home in Canada, and in other locations around the world.

  5. Helping me blog and helping me visit my friends provides my mom with a nice study break when she needs one (she's working on a Masters degree in physiotherapy).
I tag the following five:

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tent Thursday

Many of you know that my sleeping bag is one of my treasured possessions. There is another item that I like almost as much: my tent!

Dragonheart in his tentMy tent is a blue cat tent from IKEA, and my humans have placed my warm, cozy cat bed inside of it.

Dragonheart in his tent
I like to hang out in my tent when the afternoon sun warms it up. It is a nice place to hide out in, or to nap in.

Dragonheart in his tent
The whiskers and tail on the tent are also fun to attack and chew! I can even drag the tent around by biting down on the whiskers and then pulling.

Dragonheart in front of his tent
My tent is so much fun! I really like it.

(Click on any of the photos above to view a larger image)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday Before my humans left for Prague last Thursday, they bought me a wonderful new toy.

Dragonheart and his ball track
This is my new ball track. It is a lot of fun to bat the ball around and around in the track.

Dragonheart and his ball track
The cardboard in the middle is also great to scratch.

Dragonheart and his ball track
The pom-pom on the end of the spring is also fun to attack.

I missed my humans while they were away, but I had a lot of fun playing with my new toy, and I had a wonderful cat sitter visit me twice a day to feed me, clean my litterbox, play with me and make sure I had fresh water.

I am very happy my humans are back home. I spent all of last night and this morning purring and curled up next to them.

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Man Cat Monday

Although I'm still a kitten, here I am practicing my sultry look, for when I'm a full-grown cat.

Dragonheart enjoying the sun(Click photo for a larger image)

I'm very happy that my humans are now home from Prague. They ran a very successful half-marathon (13.1 miles or 21.1 km) but since there were very heavy winds, they didn't set a personal best time. But given the gale force winds at points on the course, they are very happy with the race. I promise I will visit all of my friends tomorrow. Right now I'm going to cuddle and play with my humans.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Photo Hunters

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Dragonheart's Humans Finishing a Half-Marathon(Click photo for a larger image)

In honour of my humans, who are running a half-marathon in Prague today, I bring you this photo of my humans at the end of my mom's first half (my dad's second). They were running on empty by the end of the race! Their "fuel tanks" were empty

I don't know why my humans run so far for no good reason. At the end of April, they will be running even farther, since they plan on running the Hamburg Marathon! Crazy humans.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Update on Tained Pet Food


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Rodent poison has been found in pet food blamed for the deaths of at least 16 cats and dogs, a spokeswoman for the State Department of Agriculture and Markets said Friday.

Spokeswoman Jessica Chittenden would not identify the chemical or its source beyond saying it was a rodent poison. State agriculture officials scheduled a news conference Friday afternoon to release laboratory findings from tests on the pet food conducted this week.

The deaths led to a recall of 60 million cans and pouches of pet food produced by Menu Foods and sold throughout North America under 95 brand names. There have been reports of kidney failure, some fatal, in pets that ate the recalled brands. The company has confirmed the deaths of 15 cats and one dog.

Menu Foods last week recalled "cuts and gravy" style dog and cat food. The recall sparked concern among pet owners across North America. It includes food sold under store brands carried by Wal-Mart, Kroger, Safeway and other large retailers, as well as private labels such as Iams, Nutro and Eukanuba.

You can find the article here.

Frootbat Friday

Dragonheart in his sleeping bag(Click photo for a larger image)

My apologies if I don't have time to visit all my friends today. My humans are in Prague, so my computer time is limited. I promise I will visit all of you when they return from their trip.

Are you Frooty? Leave your link below.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

My Thursday Thirteen is late today because my humans left for Prague this morning. So, I bring you

#12 - Thirteen Things About My Humans' Trip to Prague

  1. My humans left for Prague, in the Czech Republic, this morning.

  2. Unlike our trip to Switzerland, when I traveled with them, this time I was left behind.

  3. I have a wonderful cat sitter coming to take care of me twice a day, and she feeds me, cleans my litterbox, makes sure I have water, and plays with me.

  4. But I still miss my humans.

  5. My humans are in Prague because they are running a half-marathon on Saturday.

  6. A half-marathon is 13.1 miles or 21.1 kilometres.

  7. I wish I could have gone with them, because I actually enjoy road trips.

  8. But they didn't want to bring me with them this time, since they aren't spending much time in the hotel. So I would have spent a lot of time alone, and my humans figured it was better for me to be alone in a familiar environment.

  9. I really missed having mom's lap to curl up on today. I normally like to curl up on her lap while she studies (she's doing a Masters in Physiotherapy).

  10. Dragonheart and his new ball trackTonight I'm really going to miss my humans, since I normally sleep in their bed, snuggled under the covers next to mom or between mom and dad.

  11. My humans did buy me a new toy to amuse myself with before they left. It's a different kind of ball track from the one I already had. It's fun to play with.

  12. I probably won't have time to visit all of my friends much while my humans are gone, because my mom is the one who helps me blog. I promise I will visit all of you as soon as they are back home.

  13. I really miss my humans and can't wait until they come home.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday One of my favourite possessions is my sleeping bag.

Dragonheart and his sleeping bag
It is nice and warm, and I love lying on top of it, or curling up inside of it. The fleece lining inside it is very soft and I am cozy and comfortable inside.

Dragonheart and his sleeping bag
I especially enjoy lying in the sun in my sleeping bag. Then I have the warmth of the sun, combined with the softness of the sleeping bag. It's the perfect place to nap or hang out.

Dragonheart and his sleeping bag

(Click any of the photos for a larger image)

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

Bonne Fête!

Today is my mom's birthday. She is the best mom a cat could ever have. One of her birthday gifts was a stroller, so she can take me out when she goes running! Isn't that wonderful! We've already taken it for a spin, and you can see some of the photos we took on our short run together. I really like my stroller. I have lots of fun watching the birds and everything else that's happening.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunny Sunday

Dragonheart in the sun
It's another beautiful sunny day here in Munich. It's been sunny and warm all week, with daytime highs between 12 and 16°C. I really enjoy lying in the sun. Its warmth feels good on my skin.

Dragonheart in the sun
The grass is green and growing here in Munich, and many trees are starting to bud. Flowers are also blooming, especially the crocuses and tulips. You can see some of the flowers growing in our Garten (yard) below.

Flowers in our yardFlowers in our yard
(Click any of the photos to view a larger image)

Get Well Earl Grey

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Photo Hunters

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Dragonheart and his dad(Click photo for a larger image)

Bayern (Bavaria) is known as the "beer capital of the world" and München (Munich) is, of course, famous for the Oktoberfest celebration that takes place every September and October.

According to my humans, the breweries in Munich produce some delicious beer. In this photo, I am quite comfortable on my dad's lap, and he's stuck this bottle of beer next to me. The beer is Paulaner Helles, which is one of my mom's favourite beers here in Munich. Paulaner is the name of the brewery, and Helles is the type of beer. Some of the most popular beers in Munich are Helles (light beer, similar to North American lagers), Dunkles (dark beer), Weißbier (wheat beer), Pils (pilsner), Starkbier (heavy beer consumed during Lent) and of course, Oktoberfest (not quite as heavy as Starkbier, consumed during Oktoberfest).

Friday, March 16, 2007

Frootbat Friday

Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image)

In this photo, especially if you click to make it larger, you can see my tiny whiskers and the little bit of short, curly fur inside my ears. I am enjoying on my cat tower, and exciting watching all the birds flying by outside or perched in the trees.

Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image)

Are you Frooty? Leave your link below.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

My mom's birthday is this coming Monday, March 19. In honour of her upcoming birthday, I've created this list.

#11 - Thirteen Reasons My Mom is Great

  1. Dragonheart and his momShe feeds me Stinky Goodness (Almo Nature Cat Food), which is very high quality. Almo Nature soft food is completely natural, without any chemical additives nor preservatives.It consists only of the best quality ingredients: 100% free range meat, coming from "hormone free" ranges and 100% sea water fish. Prime meat cuts used are all the same as used for human consumption: 75% fresh meat or fish, 24% cooking water and 1% rice.

  2. She plays with me, especially when I want to play with one of my wand toys.

  3. She keeps my litterbox clean.

  4. She makes sure I always have fresh crunchies to eat.

  5. She makes sure I always have fresh water, and buys bottled water for me because Munich tap water is hard and I don't like it.

  6. Dragonheart's Mom and Dad at their WeddingShe gives me treats, especially after she cleans my ears and eyes, or trims my claws.

  7. She bathes me. Although I don't enjoy my baths, I know I need them to stay healthy, so I know my mom is just looking after me.

  8. Her lap is comfortable and warm to curl up in.

  9. She knows just how to pet me to make me happy.

  10. When it's warm out, she takes me into our yard on my harness so I can explore outside.

  11. She is warm and cozy to sleep next to at night.

  12. She acts as my photographer and secretary.

  13. Most important of all, she loves me and I love her.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cats on Tuesday & Toesday

Cats on Tuesday In these photos, you can check out my new Soft Paws. Soft Paws are vinyl nail caps that are glued on to a cat's existing nails. They look like a cat's nail, only hollow.

Dragonheart's Soft Paws(Click photos for larger images)

Dragonheart's Soft Paws
I don't mind the Soft Paws. I can still extend and retract my claws, I can still scratch, and I can use my paws and claws the way I always do. I just can't do any damage with my claws, because they are covered in these red caps. Since I have no fur, you can really see the Soft Paws. My humans also bought some grey ones, that will match my skin. We went with the red to start though, so that they would be easily visible if I lost one.

My friend Daisy asked: "Did yer Mommie and Daddie put them on you, and was it very hard to do?"

Yes, my mom and dad put them on. My dad held me while my mom put them on. The first one or two was a bit of a challenge to put on (mostly figuring how much glue to put in the Soft Paw) but after that it went very smoothly. I was a good cat and lay nice and quiet in my dad's arms, only trying to escape once (one Soft Paw fell off at that point, since it hadn't had time to "set" in place yet.) But all in all, it was an easy process.

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Movie Monday

I recently discovered a new way to have fun! There is this red dot that moves very quickly around the house. It is very sneaky, because try as I might, I can never catch it! And I'm a very good hunter. I have no problems catching my toy mice, my wand toys, my Gatorade bottle tops, or other items. Clearly this red dot is challenging prey!

If you are having trouble viewing the video, you can try viewing a different version here.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

More Name Games

My Sunny Sunday post can be found below this one!

This first name game I found on Gattina's blog.

Since it doesn't allows names that are longer than 10 letters, I used one of my nicknames:

Dreamy Romeo Administering Kisses and Embraces

Get Your Sexy Name

And since St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, I found out my Irish name:

Your Irish Name Is...

Gavin Guinness

Sunny Sunday

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I really enjoy sitting on my cat tree, enjoying the sun. I like to watch everything that's happening outside, including watching the birdies fly by and the trains that go by.

Germany, and most of the countries in Europe, haven't switched to Daylight Savings Time yet. Here in Germany (and in most of Europe) we switch over on March 25th.

You can discover more cats at Weekend Cat Blogging.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Photo Hunters

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New Schleißheim Palace(Click photo for a larger image)

This is a photo of the New Schleißheim Palace. Munich has several palaces throughout the city and its suburbs, and this is one of them. My humans have visited this palace (and took these photos).

There are three palaces at Schleißheim - the Old Palace, the New Palace, and the Lustheim Palace (which was originally built as a hunting lodge). The Old Palace was unfortunately destroyed during the Second World War, but was rebuilt/reconstructured in 1972. The New Palace, including a Baroque court garden, was completed in 1719. Four wings were originally planned, however, only one wing, the main wing, was ever built.

You can learn more about the Schleißheim Palaces at the following sites:
You can view more photos of the Schleißheim Palaces by clicking on the photo below.
Schlossanlage Schleißheim